Welcome to School of Computer Science and Technology

We were established in 1974, and the department of Computer Science and Engineering was founded in 1981. Zhong Wanfo, an academician, was the first head of the department. The electronic information and electrical engineering department at the school of computer science and technology was established in 2009, and then it became a second-class school at the university in 2023. At present, the school has a first-level doctoral degree (i.e., computer science and technology), a postdoctoral mobile station and a first-level key discipline in Liaoning province. In 2011 and 2017, the school has passed the national engineering education professional certification continuously. In 2019 ...


Computer Application Technology

Computer System Architecture

Computer Software and Theory

Artificial Intelligence technology

Advantages and features

  • There are 47 full-time staff members in the college, including 25 professors and 19 associate professors
  • The college has a computer-aided research center, the State Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Computer Aided Design
  • The school takes advantages of a comprehensive university of engineering and cross-fertilizing with biological, mechanical...
  • Taking advantages of Liaoning Province's equipment manufacturing, microelectronics, automobile manufacturing, medical...
  • More than 400 papers published in domestic and foreign high-level journals and top-level conferences